
How to Prepare Your Home for Summer

backyard patio

Summer at Home

As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, the last thing most people want to do is home maintenance. However, the beginning of summer is an excellent time to make sure your home's HVAC, plumbing, and other systems are in good shape.

You might be turning on your AC for the first time in months, and the rising temperatures may affect other appliances in your home.

To avoid unexpected and costly repairs, here are some of the most important tasks you should complete to prepare your home for summer weather:

Change Your Filters

You want your AC unit to be in great working condition as soon as the warm weather arrives. One of the easiest ways to improve your air conditioner's efficiency is to change the filter. Dust, dirt, and debris can accumulate in the filter over time, which can reduce the amount of cool air that flows through your home. By changing the filter at the beginning of summer, you'll ensure that the air in your home is cool and clean.

Clean Up Your Outdoor AC Unit

Your outdoor air conditioning unit needs at least one foot of clear space on all sides to function properly. It's likely that leaves, sticks, or other debris have gathered up around the unit throughout the fall and winter, so be sure to clean up the area before you turn your AC on.

Invest in Other Cooling Options

Ideally, your air conditioner should be in good enough condition that it will run consistently all summer without issue. However, overusing the system does increase your chances of needing a repair or replacement.

To reduce the burden on your AC, find other ways to help keep your home cool such as blackout curtains or sun-blocking blinds to keep the heat out. Also, never underestimate the power of your ceiling fans to make you feel more comfortable!

Clean the Gutters and Drains

If leaves or mud build up in your home's drains and gutters, you could face severe leaks and water damage. Summer is the perfect time to clean out the gutters so that your home has proper drainage. You should also inspect your gutters and downspouts for leaks by observing them during rainfall.

Check Your Pipes for Leaks

Leaky pipes can be a problem at any time of year, so while you're preparing your home for summer, take some time to inspect your pipes. In the summer, you might notice that the pipes are sweating because the water inside is far cooler than the surrounding air. This increases your risk of mold or mildew issues, but you can fix this problem by wrapping the pipes with foam insulation.

Remove Clogs From Your Sprinkler System

If you have a sprinkler system for your lawn, you should inspect it for clogs before turning it on for the season. If grass clippings, dirt, or other debris have accumulated in the sprinkler head, the water pressure could build up until the system bursts. Keep an eye out for leaks in the sprinkler system, too, as this can cause a notable waste of water.

Schedule an HVAC Inspection

Preventative maintenance tends to be much easier and less expensive than making a major repair. Even if your HVAC system appears to be in good working condition, this could be a great time to schedule an inspection and tune-up with an HVAC technician. Some small repairs or cleanings could make a big difference in your AC's efficiency, which will make your home more comfortable while reducing your energy bill. Also, by getting your heating system inspected in the summer, you'll have plenty of time to plan before winter in case you need a repair.

By regularly checking and cleaning your home's systems and appliances, you can extend their lifespan and reduce the risk of malfunctions. If you have any questions or concerns about your HVAC or plumbing systems, O'Leary Plumbing, Heating & Electrical is happy to help. Our experienced, professional technicians offer services to clients in and around East Troy, Wisconsin. Contact us today to learn more.

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