
Why Is My AC Suddenly Noisy?


A well-working air conditioning unit should relatively be silent. In fact, the only time you should hear anything more than a whisper is when you are turning it on. However, there are sudden occurrences that could leave your once peaceful system disruptive and loud. If bangs, clangs, screeches, and whistles are suddenly penetrating through your home, it’s time to give your trusty AC repairman a call.

Rattle and Booms

If you hear a consistent rattle or a rattle that has now become a loud boom, a loose or broken part may be to blame. If you are familiar enough with your system, you should shut it off, and check for loose parts — but a simple tune-up can fix the issue in no time. However, you’ll want to schedule one fast, as the longer those loose parts bang around the motor, the more damage they can do.

Squeal and Screeches

Unless your neighbor just purchased a very vocal pig, chances are any squealing and screeching you’re hearing is coming from your system's motor. A simple belt adjustment, or lubrication of the bearings, may be all you need to silence the noise.

Whistles Why it Works

If a sudden whistling occurs, you’ll want to check your ductwork. Generally speaking, air blowing through your ducts should be silent, unless air begins to escape through a crack or opening. A higher than average energy bill and uneven temperatures might be present, too.

Practice Prevention

A well working system is one that is well maintained. Through regular tune-ups, you’ll be able to spot all minor issues, fix them accordingly, and ultimately keep your system working above and beyond its expected lifespan.

Dealing with a noisy air conditioner? Looking to ensure your system lives up to its intended lifespan? Contact O'Leary Plumbing, Heating & Electrical to find out more about our HVAC Maintenance Program, schedule any repairs and replacements, or installations you may need.
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